Create your podcast interview in just a few minutes. Record responses to the questions below and SciencePods will do the rest. Fields marked with an * are required.
Record Your Interview

Record responses of up to 4 minutes per question, right here on this site. There is nothing to install or upload separately. Unfortunately, at this time recordings do not save from iPhones or iPads.

Start creating your podcast by listening to the "tips" below. Then record a seperate response to each of the questions below in the order they are listed. If you decide not to record a response to a question, uncheck the box to the left of that question. For example, if your article is an editorial, you may want to just record responses to questions #1, #2, and #5 (and uncheck #3 and #4).


Tips for a great podcast

Question One: Self-introduction

Question Two: Background

Question Three: Methods

Question Four: Analysis & Findings

Question Five: Impact

Audio recorder standing by. Click microphone button to grant access to device.

After saving each recording, start the next recording by clicking on the record button in the bottom left corner again. If you decided not to record a response to a question, uncheck the box to the left of that question above. You must have the same number of uploaded files as checked boxes.

Customize Your Podcast
Music 1
Music 2
Music 3
Music 4

Enter a short title that describes your research.

Provide a description of the research.

Select the discipline(s) for your research. If none are appropriate, check "not listed" and provide the desired disciline in the Notes area below.

Computer Science
Not listed
Public Health

Provide tags to help people find your podcast.

Research Attribution

Enter the complete reference for the research project (preprint, article, chapter, etc.) so listeners can accurately cite your work.

Add the journal or organization hosting the research product (e.g., Journal of Physics, arXiv, OSF, Brookings Institution). If it is 'unplublished', please consider posting it to the Open Science Framework first; otherwise list it as 'unpublished'.

Your Info

Your first (or given) name

Your last (or family) name

Add any notes or messages to SciencePods staff; this will not be part of what is published. Please include your email address in case we have questions or technical issues.

First, verify the information for your podcast by clicking "Check info." Once this is done, you can use the "Preview" button to see how it will look - this will open in a new window/tab. Make any changes, and click "Check Info" again to update. When everything looks ready, click "Create Podcast".
